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Contents of /scripts-to-create-iso.vim

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Revision 103 - (show annotations)
Wed Aug 25 11:40:55 2010 UTC (13 years, 7 months ago) by sng
File size: 15008 byte(s)
adapting patch-clonezilla-sysresccd to latest CDs
1 let SessionLoad = 1
2 if &cp | set nocp | endif
3 let s:cpo_save=&cpo
4 set cpo&vim
5 map! <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>
6 map \c :echo g:colors_name
7 map \p :CP
8 map \n :CN
9 map \dk <Plug>DirDiffPrev
10 map \dj <Plug>DirDiffNext
11 map \dp <Plug>DirDiffPut
12 map \dg <Plug>DirDiffGet
13 nmap gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
14 map <F12> :colorscheme default
15 map <S-F12> :colorscheme desert
16 nnoremap <silent> <Plug>NetrwBrowseX :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(expand("<cWORD>"),0)
17 map <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>
18 noremap ë gt
19 noremap ê gT
20 iabbr Cs case "$" in
21 )
23 ;;
24 )
26 ;;
27 *)
29 ;;
30 esac
31 iabbr Un until [ ];do
33 done
34 iabbr Wh while [ ];do
36 done
37 iabbr Ifil if [ ];then
39 elif [ ];then
41 else
43 fi
44 iabbr Ifl if [ ];then
46 else
48 fi
49 iabbr Ifn if [ ];then
51 fi
52 iabbr Fn for n in ;do
54 done
55 let &cpo=s:cpo_save
56 unlet s:cpo_save
57 set autoindent
58 set backspace=indent,eol,start
59 set expandtab
60 set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
61 set guifont=Monospace\ 13
62 set helplang=el
63 set history=50
64 set nomodeline
65 set mouse=a
66 set pastetoggle=<F10>
67 set printoptions=paper:a4
68 set ruler
69 set runtimepath=~/.vim,/var/lib/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim73,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/var/lib/vim/addons/after,~/.vim/after
70 set shiftwidth=4
71 set showbreak=
72 set showcmd
73 set showmatch
74 set smarttab
75 set suffixes=.bak,~,.swp,.o,.info,.aux,.log,.dvi,.bbl,.blg,.brf,.cb,.ind,.idx,.ilg,.inx,.out,.toc
76 set tabpagemax=1000
77 set tabstop=4
78 set termencoding=utf-8
79 set wildmenu
80 set window=38
81 let s:so_save = &so | let s:siso_save = &siso | set so=0 siso=0
82 let v:this_session=expand("<sfile>:p")
83 silent only
84 cd ~/clonezilla-sysresccd/trunk/create-clonezilla-sysresccd
85 if expand('%') == '' && !&modified && line('$') <= 1 && getline(1) == ''
86 let s:wipebuf = bufnr('%')
87 endif
88 set shortmess=aoO
89 badd +1 create-clonezilla-sysresccd.sh
90 badd +0 patch-clonezilla-sysresccd.sh
91 badd +0 continue-multi-cd
92 badd +0 profiles.conf
93 badd +0 ChangeLog
94 args create-clonezilla-sysresccd.sh patch-clonezilla-sysresccd.sh continue-multi-cd profiles.conf ChangeLog
95 edit create-clonezilla-sysresccd.sh
96 set splitbelow splitright
97 set nosplitbelow
98 set nosplitright
99 wincmd t
100 set winheight=1 winwidth=1
101 argglobal
102 setlocal keymap=
103 setlocal noarabic
104 setlocal autoindent
105 setlocal balloonexpr=
106 setlocal nobinary
107 setlocal bufhidden=
108 setlocal buflisted
109 setlocal buftype=
110 setlocal nocindent
111 setlocal cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
112 setlocal cinoptions=
113 setlocal cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch
114 setlocal colorcolumn=
115 setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-
116 setlocal commentstring=#%s
117 setlocal complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
118 setlocal concealcursor=
119 setlocal conceallevel=0
120 setlocal completefunc=
121 setlocal nocopyindent
122 setlocal cryptmethod=
123 setlocal nocursorbind
124 setlocal nocursorcolumn
125 setlocal nocursorline
126 setlocal define=
127 setlocal dictionary=
128 setlocal nodiff
129 setlocal equalprg=
130 setlocal errorformat=
131 setlocal expandtab
132 if &filetype != 'sh'
133 setlocal filetype=sh
134 endif
135 setlocal foldcolumn=0
136 setlocal foldenable
137 setlocal foldexpr=0
138 setlocal foldignore=#
139 setlocal foldlevel=0
140 setlocal foldmarker={{{,}}}
141 setlocal foldmethod=manual
142 setlocal foldminlines=1
143 setlocal foldnestmax=20
144 setlocal foldtext=foldtext()
145 setlocal formatexpr=
146 setlocal formatoptions=tcq
147 setlocal formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t\ ]\\s*
148 setlocal grepprg=
149 setlocal iminsert=2
150 setlocal imsearch=2
151 setlocal include=
152 setlocal includeexpr=
153 setlocal indentexpr=
154 setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
155 setlocal noinfercase
156 setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
157 setlocal keywordprg=
158 setlocal nolinebreak
159 setlocal nolisp
160 setlocal nolist
161 setlocal makeprg=
162 setlocal matchpairs=(:),{:},[:]
163 setlocal nomodeline
164 setlocal modifiable
165 setlocal nrformats=octal,hex
166 setlocal nonumber
167 setlocal numberwidth=4
168 setlocal omnifunc=
169 setlocal path=
170 setlocal nopreserveindent
171 setlocal nopreviewwindow
172 setlocal quoteescape=\\
173 setlocal noreadonly
174 setlocal norelativenumber
175 setlocal norightleft
176 setlocal rightleftcmd=search
177 setlocal noscrollbind
178 setlocal shiftwidth=4
179 setlocal noshortname
180 setlocal nosmartindent
181 setlocal softtabstop=0
182 setlocal nospell
183 setlocal spellcapcheck=[.?!]\\_[\\])'\"\ \ ]\\+
184 setlocal spellfile=
185 setlocal spelllang=en
186 setlocal statusline=
187 setlocal suffixesadd=
188 setlocal swapfile
189 setlocal synmaxcol=3000
190 if &syntax != 'sh'
191 setlocal syntax=sh
192 endif
193 setlocal tabstop=4
194 setlocal tags=
195 setlocal textwidth=0
196 setlocal thesaurus=
197 setlocal noundofile
198 setlocal nowinfixheight
199 setlocal nowinfixwidth
200 setlocal wrap
201 setlocal wrapmargin=0
202 silent! normal! zE
203 let s:l = 1 - ((0 * winheight(0) + 19) / 38)
204 if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
205 exe s:l
206 normal! zt
207 1
208 normal! 0
209 tabedit patch-clonezilla-sysresccd.sh
210 set splitbelow splitright
211 set nosplitbelow
212 set nosplitright
213 wincmd t
214 set winheight=1 winwidth=1
215 argglobal
216 2argu
217 setlocal keymap=
218 setlocal noarabic
219 setlocal autoindent
220 setlocal balloonexpr=
221 setlocal nobinary
222 setlocal bufhidden=
223 setlocal buflisted
224 setlocal buftype=
225 setlocal nocindent
226 setlocal cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
227 setlocal cinoptions=
228 setlocal cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch
229 setlocal colorcolumn=
230 setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-
231 setlocal commentstring=#%s
232 setlocal complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
233 setlocal concealcursor=
234 setlocal conceallevel=0
235 setlocal completefunc=
236 setlocal nocopyindent
237 setlocal cryptmethod=
238 setlocal nocursorbind
239 setlocal nocursorcolumn
240 setlocal nocursorline
241 setlocal define=
242 setlocal dictionary=
243 setlocal nodiff
244 setlocal equalprg=
245 setlocal errorformat=
246 setlocal expandtab
247 if &filetype != 'sh'
248 setlocal filetype=sh
249 endif
250 setlocal foldcolumn=0
251 setlocal foldenable
252 setlocal foldexpr=0
253 setlocal foldignore=#
254 setlocal foldlevel=0
255 setlocal foldmarker={{{,}}}
256 setlocal foldmethod=manual
257 setlocal foldminlines=1
258 setlocal foldnestmax=20
259 setlocal foldtext=foldtext()
260 setlocal formatexpr=
261 setlocal formatoptions=tcq
262 setlocal formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t\ ]\\s*
263 setlocal grepprg=
264 setlocal iminsert=2
265 setlocal imsearch=2
266 setlocal include=
267 setlocal includeexpr=
268 setlocal indentexpr=
269 setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
270 setlocal noinfercase
271 setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
272 setlocal keywordprg=
273 setlocal nolinebreak
274 setlocal nolisp
275 setlocal nolist
276 setlocal makeprg=
277 setlocal matchpairs=(:),{:},[:]
278 setlocal nomodeline
279 setlocal modifiable
280 setlocal nrformats=octal,hex
281 setlocal nonumber
282 setlocal numberwidth=4
283 setlocal omnifunc=
284 setlocal path=
285 setlocal nopreserveindent
286 setlocal nopreviewwindow
287 setlocal quoteescape=\\
288 setlocal noreadonly
289 setlocal norelativenumber
290 setlocal norightleft
291 setlocal rightleftcmd=search
292 setlocal noscrollbind
293 setlocal shiftwidth=4
294 setlocal noshortname
295 setlocal nosmartindent
296 setlocal softtabstop=0
297 setlocal nospell
298 setlocal spellcapcheck=
299 setlocal spellfile=
300 setlocal spelllang=en
301 setlocal statusline=
302 setlocal suffixesadd=
303 setlocal swapfile
304 setlocal synmaxcol=3000
305 if &syntax != 'sh'
306 setlocal syntax=sh
307 endif
308 setlocal tabstop=4
309 setlocal tags=
310 setlocal textwidth=0
311 setlocal thesaurus=
312 setlocal noundofile
313 setlocal nowinfixheight
314 setlocal nowinfixwidth
315 setlocal wrap
316 setlocal wrapmargin=0
317 silent! normal! zE
318 let s:l = 1 - ((0 * winheight(0) + 20) / 40)
319 if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
320 exe s:l
321 normal! zt
322 1
323 normal! 0
324 tabedit continue-multi-cd
325 set splitbelow splitright
326 set nosplitbelow
327 set nosplitright
328 wincmd t
329 set winheight=1 winwidth=1
330 argglobal
331 3argu
332 setlocal keymap=
333 setlocal noarabic
334 setlocal autoindent
335 setlocal balloonexpr=
336 setlocal nobinary
337 setlocal bufhidden=
338 setlocal buflisted
339 setlocal buftype=
340 setlocal nocindent
341 setlocal cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
342 setlocal cinoptions=
343 setlocal cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch
344 setlocal colorcolumn=
345 setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-
346 setlocal commentstring=#%s
347 setlocal complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
348 setlocal concealcursor=
349 setlocal conceallevel=0
350 setlocal completefunc=
351 setlocal nocopyindent
352 setlocal cryptmethod=
353 setlocal nocursorbind
354 setlocal nocursorcolumn
355 setlocal nocursorline
356 setlocal define=
357 setlocal dictionary=
358 setlocal nodiff
359 setlocal equalprg=
360 setlocal errorformat=
361 setlocal expandtab
362 if &filetype != 'sh'
363 setlocal filetype=sh
364 endif
365 setlocal foldcolumn=0
366 setlocal foldenable
367 setlocal foldexpr=0
368 setlocal foldignore=#
369 setlocal foldlevel=0
370 setlocal foldmarker={{{,}}}
371 setlocal foldmethod=manual
372 setlocal foldminlines=1
373 setlocal foldnestmax=20
374 setlocal foldtext=foldtext()
375 setlocal formatexpr=
376 setlocal formatoptions=tcq
377 setlocal formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t\ ]\\s*
378 setlocal grepprg=
379 setlocal iminsert=2
380 setlocal imsearch=2
381 setlocal include=
382 setlocal includeexpr=
383 setlocal indentexpr=
384 setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
385 setlocal noinfercase
386 setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
387 setlocal keywordprg=
388 setlocal nolinebreak
389 setlocal nolisp
390 setlocal nolist
391 setlocal makeprg=
392 setlocal matchpairs=(:),{:},[:]
393 setlocal nomodeline
394 setlocal modifiable
395 setlocal nrformats=octal,hex
396 setlocal nonumber
397 setlocal numberwidth=4
398 setlocal omnifunc=
399 setlocal path=
400 setlocal nopreserveindent
401 setlocal nopreviewwindow
402 setlocal quoteescape=\\
403 setlocal noreadonly
404 setlocal norelativenumber
405 setlocal norightleft
406 setlocal rightleftcmd=search
407 setlocal noscrollbind
408 setlocal shiftwidth=4
409 setlocal noshortname
410 setlocal nosmartindent
411 setlocal softtabstop=0
412 setlocal nospell
413 setlocal spellcapcheck=
414 setlocal spellfile=
415 setlocal spelllang=en
416 setlocal statusline=
417 setlocal suffixesadd=
418 setlocal swapfile
419 setlocal synmaxcol=3000
420 if &syntax != 'sh'
421 setlocal syntax=sh
422 endif
423 setlocal tabstop=4
424 setlocal tags=
425 setlocal textwidth=0
426 setlocal thesaurus=
427 setlocal noundofile
428 setlocal nowinfixheight
429 setlocal nowinfixwidth
430 setlocal wrap
431 setlocal wrapmargin=0
432 silent! normal! zE
433 let s:l = 1 - ((0 * winheight(0) + 20) / 40)
434 if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
435 exe s:l
436 normal! zt
437 1
438 normal! 0
439 tabedit profiles.conf
440 set splitbelow splitright
441 set nosplitbelow
442 set nosplitright
443 wincmd t
444 set winheight=1 winwidth=1
445 argglobal
446 4argu
447 setlocal keymap=
448 setlocal noarabic
449 setlocal autoindent
450 setlocal balloonexpr=
451 setlocal nobinary
452 setlocal bufhidden=
453 setlocal buflisted
454 setlocal buftype=
455 setlocal nocindent
456 setlocal cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
457 setlocal cinoptions=
458 setlocal cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch
459 setlocal colorcolumn=
460 setlocal comments=:#
461 setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
462 setlocal complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
463 setlocal concealcursor=
464 setlocal conceallevel=0
465 setlocal completefunc=
466 setlocal nocopyindent
467 setlocal cryptmethod=
468 setlocal nocursorbind
469 setlocal nocursorcolumn
470 setlocal nocursorline
471 setlocal define=
472 setlocal dictionary=
473 setlocal nodiff
474 setlocal equalprg=
475 setlocal errorformat=
476 setlocal expandtab
477 if &filetype != 'conf'
478 setlocal filetype=conf
479 endif
480 setlocal foldcolumn=0
481 setlocal foldenable
482 setlocal foldexpr=0
483 setlocal foldignore=#
484 setlocal foldlevel=0
485 setlocal foldmarker={{{,}}}
486 setlocal foldmethod=manual
487 setlocal foldminlines=1
488 setlocal foldnestmax=20
489 setlocal foldtext=foldtext()
490 setlocal formatexpr=
491 setlocal formatoptions=croql
492 setlocal formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t\ ]\\s*
493 setlocal grepprg=
494 setlocal iminsert=2
495 setlocal imsearch=2
496 setlocal include=
497 setlocal includeexpr=
498 setlocal indentexpr=
499 setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
500 setlocal noinfercase
501 setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
502 setlocal keywordprg=
503 setlocal nolinebreak
504 setlocal nolisp
505 setlocal nolist
506 setlocal makeprg=
507 setlocal matchpairs=(:),{:},[:]
508 setlocal nomodeline
509 setlocal modifiable
510 setlocal nrformats=octal,hex
511 setlocal nonumber
512 setlocal numberwidth=4
513 setlocal omnifunc=
514 setlocal path=
515 setlocal nopreserveindent
516 setlocal nopreviewwindow
517 setlocal quoteescape=\\
518 setlocal noreadonly
519 setlocal norelativenumber
520 setlocal norightleft
521 setlocal rightleftcmd=search
522 setlocal noscrollbind
523 setlocal shiftwidth=4
524 setlocal noshortname
525 setlocal nosmartindent
526 setlocal softtabstop=0
527 setlocal nospell
528 setlocal spellcapcheck=
529 setlocal spellfile=
530 setlocal spelllang=en
531 setlocal statusline=
532 setlocal suffixesadd=
533 setlocal swapfile
534 setlocal synmaxcol=3000
535 if &syntax != 'conf'
536 setlocal syntax=conf
537 endif
538 setlocal tabstop=4
539 setlocal tags=
540 setlocal textwidth=0
541 setlocal thesaurus=
542 setlocal noundofile
543 setlocal nowinfixheight
544 setlocal nowinfixwidth
545 setlocal wrap
546 setlocal wrapmargin=0
547 silent! normal! zE
548 let s:l = 1 - ((0 * winheight(0) + 20) / 40)
549 if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
550 exe s:l
551 normal! zt
552 1
553 normal! 0
554 tabedit ChangeLog
555 set splitbelow splitright
556 set nosplitbelow
557 set nosplitright
558 wincmd t
559 set winheight=1 winwidth=1
560 argglobal
561 5argu
562 setlocal keymap=
563 setlocal noarabic
564 setlocal autoindent
565 setlocal balloonexpr=
566 setlocal nobinary
567 setlocal bufhidden=
568 setlocal buflisted
569 setlocal buftype=
570 setlocal nocindent
571 setlocal cinkeys=0{,0},0),:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
572 setlocal cinoptions=
573 setlocal cinwords=if,else,while,do,for,switch
574 setlocal colorcolumn=
575 setlocal comments=
576 setlocal commentstring=/*%s*/
577 setlocal complete=.,w,b,u,t,i
578 setlocal concealcursor=
579 setlocal conceallevel=0
580 setlocal completefunc=
581 setlocal nocopyindent
582 setlocal cryptmethod=
583 setlocal nocursorbind
584 setlocal nocursorcolumn
585 setlocal nocursorline
586 setlocal define=
587 setlocal dictionary=
588 setlocal nodiff
589 setlocal equalprg=
590 setlocal errorformat=
591 setlocal noexpandtab
592 if &filetype != 'changelog'
593 setlocal filetype=changelog
594 endif
595 setlocal foldcolumn=0
596 setlocal foldenable
597 setlocal foldexpr=0
598 setlocal foldignore=#
599 setlocal foldlevel=0
600 setlocal foldmarker={{{,}}}
601 setlocal foldmethod=manual
602 setlocal foldminlines=1
603 setlocal foldnestmax=20
604 setlocal foldtext=foldtext()
605 setlocal formatexpr=
606 setlocal formatoptions=cqt
607 setlocal formatlistpat=^\\s*\\d\\+[\\]:.)}\\t\ ]\\s*
608 setlocal grepprg=
609 setlocal iminsert=2
610 setlocal imsearch=2
611 setlocal include=
612 setlocal includeexpr=
613 setlocal indentexpr=
614 setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!^F,o,O,e
615 setlocal noinfercase
616 setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
617 setlocal keywordprg=
618 setlocal nolinebreak
619 setlocal nolisp
620 setlocal nolist
621 setlocal makeprg=
622 setlocal matchpairs=(:),{:},[:]
623 setlocal nomodeline
624 setlocal modifiable
625 setlocal nrformats=octal,hex
626 setlocal nonumber
627 setlocal numberwidth=4
628 setlocal omnifunc=
629 setlocal path=
630 setlocal nopreserveindent
631 setlocal nopreviewwindow
632 setlocal quoteescape=\\
633 setlocal noreadonly
634 setlocal norelativenumber
635 setlocal norightleft
636 setlocal rightleftcmd=search
637 setlocal noscrollbind
638 setlocal shiftwidth=4
639 setlocal noshortname
640 setlocal nosmartindent
641 setlocal softtabstop=0
642 setlocal nospell
643 setlocal spellcapcheck=
644 setlocal spellfile=
645 setlocal spelllang=en
646 setlocal statusline=
647 setlocal suffixesadd=
648 setlocal swapfile
649 setlocal synmaxcol=3000
650 if &syntax != 'changelog'
651 setlocal syntax=changelog
652 endif
653 setlocal tabstop=4
654 setlocal tags=
655 setlocal textwidth=78
656 setlocal thesaurus=
657 setlocal noundofile
658 setlocal nowinfixheight
659 setlocal nowinfixwidth
660 setlocal wrap
661 setlocal wrapmargin=0
662 silent! normal! zE
663 let s:l = 1 - ((0 * winheight(0) + 20) / 40)
664 if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
665 exe s:l
666 normal! zt
667 1
668 normal! 0
669 tabnext 1
670 if exists('s:wipebuf')
671 silent exe 'bwipe ' . s:wipebuf
672 endif
673 unlet! s:wipebuf
674 set winheight=1 winwidth=20 shortmess=filnxtToO
675 let s:sx = expand("<sfile>:p:r")."x.vim"
676 if file_readable(s:sx)
677 exe "source " . fnameescape(s:sx)
678 endif
679 let &so = s:so_save | let &siso = s:siso_save
680 doautoall SessionLoadPost
681 unlet SessionLoad
682 " vim: set ft=vim :

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