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Contents of /trunk/create-clonezilla-sysresccd/files/imginfo

Parent Directory Parent Directory | Revision Log Revision Log

Revision 143 - (show annotations)
Wed Oct 6 11:55:21 2010 UTC (13 years, 6 months ago) by sng
File size: 10444 byte(s)
- adding extended info to script imginfo
- updating Changelog

1 #!/bin/bash
2 ##############################################################################
3 # #
4 # imginfo, (C) 2007-2010 S. Georgaras <sng@hellug.gr> #
5 # #
6 # This file is part of Clonezilla-SysRescCD. #
7 # #
8 # Clonezilla-SysRescCD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or #
9 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published #
10 # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or #
11 # (at your option) any later version. #
12 # #
13 # Clonezilla-SysRescCD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
16 # GNU General Public License for more details. #
17 # #
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
19 # with Clonezilla-SysRescCD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
20 # #
21 ##############################################################################
22 # DEBUG=true
23 versionNumber='0.2'
25 function readImage(){
26 # set -x
27 # n="${partElm[$oCount]}"
28 n="$1"
29 tmp="$(dirname "$n")"
30 validateImage "$tmp" || {
31 ((oCount++))
32 return 1
33 }
34 img[$count]="$(basename "$tmp")"
37 sizeInDisk[$count]=`du -hc "$(dirname "$n")" | sed -e '$!d' -e 's|[ \t].*||'`B
38 diskModel[$count]="Disk "`head -n 1 "$(dirname "$n")"/*parted`
39 [ -r "$(dirname "$n")"/disk ] && {
40 hasDisk=1
41 type[$count]=disk
42 tmp="$(dirname "$n")"/disk
43 activeItem[$count]=$(cat "$tmp")
44 partCount=$(cat "$(dirname "$n")"/parts | awk '{print NF}')
45 tmp=$(dirname "$n")
46 diskSizeFromImage[$count]=$(getDiskSizeFromImage "$tmp")
47 if [ -z "$EXTENDED" ];then
48 id[$count]="Image: ${img[$count]}, ${type[$count]}: ${activeItem[$count]}"", size: ${diskSizeFromImage[$count]}, parts: $partCount"
49 else
50 id[$count]="Image: ${img[$count]}, image size: ${sizeInDisk[$count]}, ${type[$count]}: ${activeItem[$count]}"", size: ${diskSizeFromImage[$count]}, parts: $partCount, ${diskModel[$count]}"
51 fi
52 # scan parts
53 pCount=1
54 tmpImg="${img[$count]}"
55 while [ $pCount -le $partCount ];do
56 ((count++))
57 img[$count]="$tmpImg"
58 type[$count]=part
59 activeItem[$count]=$(cat "$n" | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}' | sed -n ""$pCount"p")
60 calcInputSize "$tmp" "${activeItem[$count]}"
61 imagePartitionSize[$count]="$THIS_INPUT_SIZE"
62 partitionIdName[$count]=$(getPartitionIdNameFromImage "$tmp" "${activeItem[$count]}")
63 ((pCount++))
64 id[$count]=" ${type[$count]}: ${activeItem[$count]}, size: ${imagePartitionSize[$count]}, type: ${partitionIdName[$count]}"
65 done
66 } || {
67 type[$count]=part
68 activeItem[$count]=$(cat "$n")
69 partCount=1
70 calcInputSize /"$tmp" "${activeItem[$count]}"
71 imagePartitionSize[$count]="$THIS_INPUT_SIZE"
72 partitionIdName[$count]=$(getPartitionIdNameFromImage "$tmp" "${activeItem[$count]}")
73 if [ -z "$EXTENDED" ];then
74 id[$count]="Image: ${img[$count]}, ${type[$count]}: ${activeItem[$count]}, size: ${imagePartitionSize[$count]}, type: ${partitionIdName[$count]}"
75 else
76 id[$count]="Image: ${img[$count]}, image size: ${sizeInDisk[$count]}, ${type[$count]}: ${activeItem[$count]}, size: ${imagePartitionSize[$count]}, type: ${partitionIdName[$count]}, ${diskModel[$count]}"
77 fi
78 }
79 imgCount="$count"
80 ((count++))
81 ((oCount++))
82 }
85 function findImages(){
86 # <- folder to scan
87 #
88 # -> selectedInputImage - Number (index) in img array
89 # -> selectedInputImageSize - Size of disk / partition
90 # -> selectedInputImageID - Number - Partition ID (if user selected partition)
91 #
92 # -> imgCount - Number of images found
93 # -> partCount - Number of partitions found
94 #
95 # -> img - image name
96 # -> type - image type (partition/disk)
97 # -> activeItem - name of partition/disk
98 # -> imagePartitionSize - size of partition
99 # -> diskSizeFromImage - disk size
100 # -> partitionIdName - partition id in words
101 # -> id - description
103 imgCount=0
104 partCount=0
106 local count=1
107 local n
108 local tmp
109 local pCount
110 local tmpImg
111 local hasDisk=0
112 # set -x
114 allParts="$(find -L "$1" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -name parts | sed 's|^\./||' 2>/dev/null)"
116 psCount=1
117 partElm[$psCount]="$(echo "$allParts" | sed -n ""$psCount"p")"
118 while [ -n "${partElm[$psCount]}" ];do
119 ((psCount++))
120 partElm[$psCount]="$(echo "$allParts" | sed -n ""$psCount"p")"
121 done
123 oCount=1
124 while [ "$oCount" -lt "$psCount" ];do
125 readImage "${partElm[$oCount]}"
126 done
127 # exit
128 [ $imgCount -eq 0 ] &&{
129 local msgType
130 [ -z "${CD[$selectedInputPartitionNumber]}" ] && msgType=Partition || msgType=CD-ROM
131 if [ -n "$(echo "$selectedInputPartition" | grep '/')" ];then
132 msgType=Folder
133 selectedInputPartition=/"$selectedInputPartition"
134 fi
136 if [ -z "$onSubDirs" ];then
137 setterm -bold on
138 echo -n "No image files found in: "
139 setterm -foreground magenta
140 echo -n "$startDir"
141 setterm -foreground white
142 setterm -bold off
143 echo ' '
144 fi
145 exit 1
146 }
149 setterm -bold on
150 echo -n "Image files found in: "
151 setterm -foreground magenta
152 echo "$startDir"
153 setterm -foreground white
154 setterm -bold off
155 count=1
156 until [ -z "${id[$count]}" ];do
157 echo " ${id[$count]}"
158 ((count++))
159 done
160 }
162 function getPartitionIdNameFromImage(){
163 local id=$(grep "$2" "$1"/*pt.sf | sed 's|.*Id= *||' | sed 's|,.*$||')
164 sfdisk -T |sed 's|^[ ]||' | grep -e "^$id[ \t]" | sed "s|^$id *||"
165 }
167 function getDiskSizeFromImage(){
168 local lin=$(awk 'BEGIN{FS="="
169 count=0}
170 {if (count==0) b=$2
171 else{
172 b=b" * "
173 b=b$2
174 }
175 count++}
176 END{print b}' "$1"/*chs.sf | bc)
177 local size=$(echo "$lin * 512" | bc)
178 toMGByte "$size"
179 }
181 function getDiskSizeFromDisk(){
182 local size=$(fdisk -l /dev/"$1" | grep -e '^Disk /dev/' | sed 's|.*, *||' | sed 's| *bytes||')
183 toMGByte "$size"
184 }
186 function toMGByte(){
187 if [ $(expr length "$1") -le 9 ];then
188 echo $(expr substr "$1" 1 3 )"MB"
189 elif [ $(expr length "$1") -eq 10 ];then
190 echo $(expr substr "$1" 1 2 | sed 's|\([0-9]\)$|.\1|')"GB"
191 elif [ $(expr length "$1") -lt 12 ];then
192 echo $(expr substr "$1" 1 3 | sed 's|\([0-9]\)$|.\1|')"GB"
193 else
194 echo $(expr substr "$1" 1 4 | sed 's|\([0-9]\)$|.\1|')"GB"
195 fi
196 }
198 function validateImage(){
199 #########################################
200 # accept only disk images #
201 #########################################
202 # [ -r "$(dirname "$n")"/disk ] && return 0
203 #########################################
204 [ -d "$1"/parts ] && return 1
205 local sf=$(find "$1" -name "*-chs.sf" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
206 [ $sf -eq 0 ] && return 1
207 local pt=$(find "$1" -name "*-pt.sf" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
208 [ $pt -eq 0 ] && return 1
209 # modification to read unsplited images
210 # thanks to Viking (24/11/2008)
211 # local aa=$(find "$1" -name "*.aa" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
212 # [ $aa -eq 0 ] && return 1
213 return 0
214 }
216 function calcInputID(){
217 THIS_INPUT_ID=$(sed -n "/$2/p" "$1"/*-pt.sf | sed 's|.*Id= *||' | sed 's|,.*$||')
218 }
220 function calcInputSize(){
221 # set -x
222 local bytesPerSector=512
223 local l
224 local pSize
225 local cylinders
226 local heads
227 local sectors
228 if [ -z "$2" ];then
229 cylinders=$(sed -n '/cylinders=/p' "$1"/*-chs.sf | sed 's|cylinders=||')
230 heads=$(sed -n '/heads=/p' "$1"/*-chs.sf | sed 's|heads=||')
231 sectors=$(sed -n '/sectors=/p' "$1"/*-chs.sf | sed 's|sectors=||')
232 THIS_INPUT_SIZE=$(echo "scale=2; $cylinders * $heads * $sectors * $bytesPerSector" | bc)
233 else
234 pSize=$(sed -n "/$2/p" "$1"/*-pt.sf | sed 's|.*size= *||' | sed 's|,.*||')
235 THIS_INPUT_SIZE=$(echo "scale=2; $pSize * $bytesPerSector" | bc)
236 fi
238 l=$(expr length $THIS_INPUT_SIZE)
239 if [ $l -gt 9 ];then
240 THIS_INPUT_SIZE=$(echo "scale=2; $THIS_INPUT_SIZE / 1024 / 1024 / 1024" | bc)GB
241 else
242 THIS_INPUT_SIZE=$(echo "scale=3; $THIS_INPUT_SIZE / 1024 / 1024" | bc | sed 's|\.000|.00|')MB
243 fi
244 # set +x
245 }
247 function testRoot(){
248 if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ];then
249 printVersion
250 echo "Error: This script must be executed by root..."
251 exit
252 fi
253 }
255 function printVersion(){
256 echo "Clonezilla Live Image Information
257 $(basename $0) v. $versionNumber - (C) 2009-2010 S. Georgaras <sng@hellug.gr>
258 "
259 }
261 function printHelp(){
262 printVersion
263 echo "Usage: $(basename $0) <options> <directory>
265 Available options:
266 s Search in sub-directories too
267 i [name] Pring info for image [name]
268 e Print extended info (image size and disk model)
269 v Print version info and exit
270 h Print this screen and exit"
272 }
274 #
275 #
276 # Script starts here
277 #
278 #
279 # set -x
280 while getopts hvdsei: opt
281 do
282 case "$opt" in
283 i)
284 testRoot
285 imgOnly=1
286 startDir="$OPTARG"
287 ;;
288 s)
289 testRoot
290 subDirs=1
291 ;;
292 d)
293 testRoot
294 onSubDirs=1
295 ;;
296 v)
297 printVersion
298 exit;;
299 h)
300 printHelp
301 exit;;
302 e)
303 EXTENDED=y;;
304 esac
305 done
306 shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
308 testRoot
309 # set -x
310 [ -z "$startDir" ] && startDir="$1"
311 if [ -z "$startDir" ];then
312 startDir="$PWD"
313 fi
315 # remove ending /
316 startDir="$(echo "$startDir" | sed 's|/$||')"
318 # convert ./xxx -> /sss/ddd/xxx
319 # xxx -> /sss/ddd/xxx
320 if [ "$(echo "$startDir" |sed -n '/^\.\//p')" != "" ] || [ "$(echo "$startDir" | sed -n '/^\//p')" = "" ];then
321 if [ -d "$PWD"/`echo "$startDir" | sed 's|\.*/||'` ];then
322 startDir="$PWD"/`echo "$startDir" | sed 's|\.*/||'`
323 pathFixed=1
324 elif [ -d /home/partimag/`echo "$startDir" | sed 's|\.*/||'` ];then
325 startDir=/home/partimag/`echo "$startDir" | sed 's|\.*/||'`
326 pathFixed=1
327 fi
328 fi
330 if [ ! -d "$startDir" ];then
331 printVersion
332 echo "Error: Folder \"$( basename "$startDir")\" not found!!!"
333 exit 1
334 fi
336 if [ -z "$imgOnly" ];then
337 findImages "$startDir"
338 if [ ! -z "$subDirs" ];then
339 for n in "$startDir"/*;do
340 if [ -d "$n" ] && [ -r "$n" ];then
341 "$0" -d "$n"
342 fi
343 done
344 fi
345 else
346 readImage "$startDir"/parts
347 count=0
348 if [ -z "${id[$count]}" ];then
349 printVersion
350 echo "Error: Image \"$startDir\" does not exist!!!"
351 exit 1
352 fi
353 until [ -z "${id[$count]}" ];do
354 echo " ${id[$count]}"
355 ((count++))
356 done
357 fi


Name Value
svn:executable *

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